Innovative Energy Consultancy Ltd
Innovative Energy Consultancy Ltd

How to reduce your business heating bills

The onset of autumn means you’ve probably already turned turn up the heating in your business premises.

However, the cost of energy means that heating bills can be a significant burden.  Although you can’t escape higher heating costs in winter there are things you can do to minimise the impact.  It’s all about proactively managing your energy consumption.  Here’s our advice on how to managing your heating costs more effectively this winter.

  • Insulate & reduce draughts

There’s little point in heating a building which is poorly insulated or draughty. The solution is simple – walk around your business premises and identify places where heat is escaping.  Of course, it’s not always possible to eliminate these draughty zones but by keeping them to a minimum you’re reducing wastage.

You may find it’s necessary to spend a little money to save in the long run – improving insulation or carrying out building repairs, for example.  However, some solutions may simply mean different working practices such as minimising the amount of time a door is left open. 

  • Improve staff procedures

Ask your staff to make energy conservation a higher priority. It will make a difference if they simply ensure doors and windows are not left open. Closing the doors between rooms in offices will help too, as will keeping radiators clear.

  • Maintain your boiler(s)

According to British Gas, most boiler problems don’t happen without some forewarning.  Boilers can lose their efficiency over a long period of time which means regular maintenance and servicing is important.

  • Set your timer

While some businesses will need to maintain a consistent temperature 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for most it will be possible to turn the heating down in the evenings or at weekends, or to isolate it to only the areas that remain in use.  You may find it’s best to keep the heating on a low setting when your premises are not in use as cranking it up again in a sudden burst can be costly.

  • Shop around for the best price

Of course, it pays to make sure you’re getting a good deal from your energy supplier. Always compare the price you’re paying and check the terms of your contract so that you can move to a cheaper option if it becomes available.

In summary… Good heating management should be seen as part and parcel of an ongoing strategy to use energy efficiently.  For further information of advice on saving money on business energy, please get in touch.

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